Ten Must-See Highlights in New York City

From the vibrant atmosphere of the High Line to the serene beauty of Central Park, New York City is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. In this blog post, we’re going to highlight ten must-do activities and attractions that capture the very essence of this incredible metropolis. Whether you’re a first-time visitor…

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Discovering New York in November: Five Must-Do Activities

As the sun dips below the horizon on a crisp autumn day, New York transforms into a dazzling wonderland. While many believe that the excitement fades after Halloween, they simply miss out on the vibrant experiences, hidden gems, and unforgettable adventures awaiting exploration during this magical month. Having visited the city together ten times, we…

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Traveling with Low Vision: Five Essential Tips

Sometimes our eyesight lets us down. In my case, my vision has been a challenge since I was born. For over 50 years, I’ve experienced low vision, and through extensive worldwide travel and experience, I’ve developed five tips that have helped me navigate the world. I’m confident they can assist you as well. Is Traveling…

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